ANA CECELIA ALVAREZ - Notes on Excess (excerpts)

3. Insatiability is not a state of excessive desire - it's not wanting it all. It takes no account of substance. Instead it breeds a bottomlessness. A gaping hole. Some call it a wound. 

6. Frida's excess radiated from its restrictions. Although her eccentricity made her pain palatable - an oddity - the bleakness of her physical condition - a cripple - gave her pain its colour. 

7. My body is a depository of longings, piled up, like dirty laundry. Bedridden, a restless ache of a person. 

8. The sweet burden of excess, the weight of a body on another body, the renunciation that comes with admitting defeat, giving in, manic gluttony versus cleanings, renouncing dependency, the lightness of aspiration, aspiring to lightness, giving up. 

19. "The wildest thing about me is my arrogance" - Dorothea Lasky, "Wild"

24. If you search for "women and excess" you will find articles on body hair, weight, and discharge.